Organisation Overview

OpSys Cyber and IT Solutions defend your business from the external and internal cyber threats that impact your reputation and finances.

Combining effective processes, world-class security expertise, and industry-leading technology, our clients sleep well at night.

At OpSys Cyber we deliver end-to-end security solutions and consulting services tailored to suit your business. Our consulting services are designed to identify security gaps, develop best-practice strategies to close those gaps and build a philosophy of cyber resilience into your business. In today’s environment breaches are inevitable. However, the consequences are not. Proper planning, rapid detection, and effective response minimize the legal, financial and reputational risk to your business while preventing the attackers from achieving their insidious goals. Let OpSys Cyber help you navigate and accelerate your journey to cyber resilience.

Expertise and Capabilities

OpSys offers a range of services to help your business become agile, safe, and secure.


Further to the above, OpSys offers consulting services to identify gaps in businesses Cyber and IT needs. OpSys is then able to create a tailored offering to ensure the best outcome for businesses of all sizes.

Unique Selling Points

Adelaide-based Cyber Security company with global capabilities.
24/7 365 surveillance capabilities.
Cyber and IT consultancy services for businesses and corporations of all sizes.