Organisation Overview

Microfactories Australia (MFA) has been established to help Australian SME manufacturers transition from expensive and ecologically wasteful current state mass manufacturing to a more sustainable and cost-efficient future state in-demand manufacturing.

We PLAN, DESIGN, PROJECT MANAGE AND CONSTRUCT bespoke urban manufacturing and research and development (R&D) facilities — what we call, MICROFACTORIES. These are small-scale, highly automated facilities with a low environmental footprint that contribute positively to their community: increasing local employment and engagement and supporting Australian manufacturing like never before.

Expertise and Capabilities

MICROFACTORIES AUSTRALIA delivers small floorplate, multi-use, manufacturing bases for SMEs engaged in the SPACE, DEFENCE, HEALTHCARE, RESOURCES, WASTE MANAGEMENT & CLEAN ENERGY sectors. Our designs are bespoke. Collaboratively developed and tailored for individual clients. They’re also flexible and adaptable: providing SMEs with a manufacturing agility like never before and allowing likeminded companies to pool talents and resources to grow their capacity and capabilities. MICROFACTORIES AUSTRALIA provides the perfect base from which to grow and expand Australia’s smart industry capacity and automated manufacturing capability. Our approach sees us address a substantial gap in the market and help SMEs across our target sectors not only grow their business but also expand their market presence through having as their base a future-proofed facility that is digital ready now.

Unique Selling Points

Our MICROFACTORIES may be small on footprint, but they are big on returns

  • We save companies significant resources such as space, energy, materials, and time
  • We allow manufacturers to be more creative in the design and delivery of their products, and do so with lower risk and cost while drastically reducing the time from mind to market
  • We allow manufacturers the opportunity to harness the power of an open platform and a global co-creation community to power micro-manufacturing capabilities and accelerate the introduction of the products consumers want, when they want them
  • We enable innovators to prototype, iterate and refine existing products as well as develop new designs quickly and cost-effectively
  • Our MICROFACTORIES can be built from scratch, running, and revenue producing in as little as six months
  • Our design and construction teams guide our clients through the complete delivery process: whether this be a greenfield build, or a brownfield redevelopment.