Organisation Overview

HENSOLDT Australia is a technology solutions company, providing integrated, multi-domain solutions, analytics and services across Defence, Space, Clean Energy and Maritime sectors.

With both systems integration and engineering services, HENSOLDT Australia is recognised for introducing leading technologies, delivering radars and electronic systems, integrated bridge systems, hydrogen systems, electro-optronic devices and air traffic control equipment, as well as providing through life support services to our customers.

HENSOLDT Australia has a growing team that supports various Defence programs and civilian applications across Australia and the Asia Pacific region.

Expertise and Capabilities

Asset and systems design
– Technology design, development, production and testing of space optronics / electronics solutions
– Systems engineering to deliver proprietary and agnostic solutions, including integration, alignment and verification

– Space domain awareness solutions including observation, data collection and analysis
– Laser warning technology to detect and protect assets from space warfare
– Embedded IT for space applications, including cyber hardening, big data gathering, storage, analytics, visualisation and penetration testing
– Laser Data Links for transmission between satellites-airborne craft
– Data transmission systems that overcome limitations in bandwidth, speed and protection

Planet and space observation
– Weather and quantitative climate research using multispectral imaging radiometer and complex relay optics
– Laser assisted planetary observation and correlation of intelligence with topographical data using laser altimeters
– Synthetic aperture radar

Unique Selling Points

– Extensive and long-term experience in designing, developing, producing and testing digital electronics and high performance digital signal
processing solutions, qualified for the harsh space environment
– Hardware for military and commercial satellites
– A deep knowledge of space proven material, space qualified coating, painting and gluing
– A long heritage in metrology, including solutions for weather satellites such as EUMETSAT and ESA MetOp mission, as well as involvement in the
German Space Agency’s (DLR) EnMAP program
– Contributions to the exploration of space in ESA’s BepiColombo and JUICE missions, examining Mercury and Jupiter’s icy moons
– Equipment design, supply, support and / or integration of optical / radar components in various space agency missions including NASA and the
European, German, Korean, Canadian and Spanish space agencies.


Quality Approved ISO 9001
OH-SMS Approved ISO 45001
Environmental Approved ISO 14001

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