Organisation Overview

Department for Environment and Water (DEW) role in managing the state’s natural resources ranges from policy leadership to on-ground delivery with regional Natural Resources Management Boards.

The issues DEW works on include water security, climate change, sustainable land management, public estate management and biodiversity conservation.

DEW typically partners or procures space enabled services and earth observation services to support agency programs/projects. These largely result in acquisition or analysis of satellite imagery for South Australian Government needs.

Expertise and Capabilities

Through panel contracts DEW procures or delivers projects in collaboration with government agencies, universities and research bodies.
These relationships with universities and private companies are typically to provide support for a specific project or tender rather than ongoing provision of programmed services.

Unique Selling Points

DEW provides practical advice to government, industry and communities to achieve productive and balanced use of natural resources and to help improve the condition and resilience of our natural systems.

It works closely with communities and a diverse range of research partners to help them make good decisions about how our natural resources are used and managed.