The South Australian Space Industry Centre hosted the 7th South Australia Space Forum on Thursday 9 May 2019 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Supported by the Australian Space Agency, the biannual forum provided the perfect opportunity to stimulate ideas, share information about emerging technologies and discuss industry trends.

The South Australia Space Forum facilitated collaboration among nearly 600 stakeholders in the Australian space sector, while encouraging growth and innovation within the space economy.

The event aimed to stimulate the Australian space ecosystem by:

  • Encouraging the exchange of information and promoting the latest industry developments
  • Showcasing South Australian capabilities to local and international investors
  • Assisting research organisations to identify industry needs and future areas of demand, particularly within STEM pathways
  • Promoting commercial application of new research and technologies.

Presentations from the event

National and International Space Trends

Anthony Murfett, Deputy Head, Australian Space Agency

Dr. Kimberley Clayfield, Director, Space Technology Future Science Platform, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science

Simon Elisha, Head of Solution Architecture, A/NZ Public Sector, Amazon Web Services

SmartSat CRC – Building Australia’s Space Industry

Prof. Andy Koronios, Dean: Industry & Enterprise, University of South Australia

A/Prof. Gottfried Lechner, Director, Institute for Telecommunications Research, University of South Australia

Prof. Andrew Robson, Director, UNE ‘Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre’ | Team Leader, Precision Agriculture Research Group

Peter Nikoloff, Director/Senior Weapons System Engineer, Nova Group

Peter Kerr, Scientific Advisor to Chief Joint Operations, Defence Science and Technology

New Opportunities in Space

Prof. Matthew Gilliham, Deputy Head- Research, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of  Adelaide

Andrea Boyd, Flight Operations Engineer, European Astronaut Centre, Cologne, Germany

Dr. James Waldie, Chief Engineer, Human Aerospace

Prof. Ping Koy Lam, CQC2T Node Director, The Department of Quantum Science, Australian National Univeristy

If you want to view a presentation that is not available online, please contact us at