Organisation Overview

The Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program (SH-SSP) is conducted each year in Adelaide by the International Space University (headquartered in Strasbourg France) (ISU) in partnership with the University of South Australia.

From 2011 to 2013 the program was supported by the Australian Space Research Program.

The program is for:

  • professionals in industry, government and the defence services
  • graduate researchers
  • science, technology, engineering and mathematics educators
  • undergraduate students in the final two years of their studies.
      To date 179 participants from 23 countries have completed the program. Fourty nine percent of the participants came from Australia. Other countries sending participants include Brazil, Canada, China, France, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, UK and US.

Expertise and Capabilities

The program is an intensive, five week live-in experience in the southern hemisphere summer. The program provides an inter-disciplinary understanding of the following subjects:

  • space science and exploration
  • space applications and services
  • space security
  • human spaceflight and life sciences
  • space systems engineering and technologies
  • space policy and economics
  • space business and project management and space law and regulatory issues.

The program is taught by ISU and UniSA faculty and over 40 volunteer space experts from Australia and overseas.

Unique Selling Points

The SH-SSP is the only program in the Southern Hemisphere that provides a holistic understanding of the key activities and areas of knowledge required by today’s space professionals, based upon the international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary educational philosophy for which the International Space University (ISU) is renowned.