Organisation Overview

Human Aerospace is a company specialising in the human element of aviation and space.

In particular, our expertise in the fields of aerospace medicine, bioastronautics, life sciences and aeronautical engineering will provide the nation’s developing space industry, and newly formed Australian Space Agency, with expert advice on the challenges of human aeronautics and spaceflight.

Expertise and Capabilities

  • Aerospace physiology and medicine
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Aeromedical risk management
  • Life support systems
  • Physiological training
  • Aeromedical fitness assessment and certification

Unique Selling Points

The Human Aerospace team have extensive professional networks both domestically and internationally in the fields of aerospace medicine and bioastronautics.  These collaborative networks include Government Space Agencies, military aerospace medicine centres, R&D centres, private industry, clinicians, researchers and professional societies. It is uniquely placed to coordinate Australian projects in space life sciences, and connect Australian researchers with one another in fruitful collaborations, and with international R&D facilities through our extensive global connections.