Organisation Overview

Professor Coutts is a respected member of the telecommunications community with national and international contacts and a broad spectrum knowledge and experience in the fields of commercial radio technologies and telecommunications covering fixed line, private and public mobile, and internet communications.

Reg has advised governments on telecommunication policy, appeared as an expert witness giving opinion on the technical workings of mobile phone networks relevant to legal argument, and participated as a technology startup board member.

Reg is available to consult to interested parties seeking to better understand the telecommunications market place, the inner workings of the telecommunications industry, government policy in relation to telecommunications, broadband, spectrum issues, and commercialisation of information and communications technology.

Expertise and Capabilities

Reg Coutts’ expertise encompasses the following fields:

  • wireless technologies and spectrum management
  • telco regulation and policy
  • the Australian broadband industry
  • IP strategies, innovation and commercialisation
  • expert witness
  • board advisor

Unique Selling Points

  • Both within Telstra till 1993 and running the Centre for Telecommunications Information Networking in the University, Professor Coutts evaluated new satellite systems such as IRIDIUM.
  • Professor Reg Coutts was appointed on the government’s National Broadband Network expert panel in 2008 with the goal to advise the Government on the awarding of a A$4.7 billion contract to part fund the construction of the national broadband infrastructure. The Government proceeded as recommended with the Ka band satellite system.
  • In October 2010 Professor Reg Coutts was appointed as part-time member of the Australian Communications and Media Authority for a five year term bringing expertise on satellite matters.
  • Professor Coutts initiated the Satellite Services Group with the Communications Alliance (CA) to ensure satellite issues were adequately addressed by the industry.