Organisation Overview

ACIL Allen Consulting is one of Australia’s leading economic and public policy consulting firms, specialising in economic analysis, program evaluation, and strategic advice to government and business.

It is highly regarded for its analytical skills, experience in stakeholder consultations and the quality of its reports. Established in 2013 by the merger of ACIL Tasman and the Allen Consulting Group, the firm collectively has over four decades of experience in consulting. It is the largest independent consulting firm in Australia, with around 80 staff located in offices across the nation. ACIL Allen Consulting has extensive experience in undertaking complex economic impact studies of industry sectors, organisations, projects and government programs, including those relating to the space industry, science, research and innovation. ACIL Allen pioneered the economic and policy work on the value, management and use of spatial data and has over 15 years’ experience in advising clients on the economics and application of space based technologies.

Expertise and Capabilities

Examples of projects undertaken include:

  • in 2008 ACIL Allen undertook the first economic value analysis of spatial information in Australia
  • The economic value of earth observations from space (2010)
  • The Economic Value of the proposed Square Kilometre Array (2005)
  • The value of spatial information in Australia (2008) — for the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial information
  • Advice on valuing geospatial assets (2012)
  • The economic value of augmented positioning services (2013) Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
  • Economic benefits of high resolution positioning services (2011)
  • Benefit cost evaluation of GPSnet for farming (2011)
  • The economic value of an integrated geoscience research infrastructure (2005)
  • The economic value of an integrated research infrastructure for Astronomy (2005).

Unique Selling Points

ACIL Allen Consulting has undertaken a wide range of industry studies which have examined capability, economic impact and strategic positioning for various sectors of the economy. Examples of studies include:

  • the economic importance of the construction industry in Australia
  • the economic value Australian Naval Shipbuilding
  • benefits realisation review of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
  • economic, social and environmental impacts of the Cooperative Research Centres Program
  • an evaluation of the costs and benefits of the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation’s (CSIRO) ongoing research in the period 2011 – 2015.